Ingredients : (Quantity for 1 Glass)
Sour Yogurt : 1/2 Cup
Zero Calory (Instead of Sugar) : 2 small spoon
Sagu : 2 Table Spoon
Fruits (Pieces): Banana, Apple,Grapes,Pomegranate (As per Wish)
Almond or Cashew-nut (As per wish)
Rooh Afza
Process : First of all boiled sagu in water. Then Take a Wine Glass. Then put here Sour yogurt & mix Sagu , Zero Calary . Then give a little bit rooh afza. Then put here Banana, Then Apple , Pomegranate,Grapes . Give the fruits by Layer by Layer. Then Finally give the Almonds pieces & Ice. Decorate it by Rooh Afjah.
Then Put it to the freeze half an hour & Serve it.